As we approach the most important election in our nation that this generation has ever seen, we are compelled to take a deep hard look at the decisions we are making. We can not afford to sit on the sidelines and watch while our country implodes in civil unrest, violence, and governmental lockdowns.

Of course, what we are seeing take place in our country are manifestations of much deeper issues – issues that we have ignored, or placated. Now these issues are front and center and we are at a critical juncture in the direction we will take.

With this in mind, I urge you to consider three words that require action. Be intentional to do your part. I urge you to PRAY, VOTE, and take your STAND.


Why is prayer so important for this election?
First, it does not take much effort to look around to see that there are a lot of divergent positions that are escalating. We see hate, racism, radicalism, and domestic terrorism on the rise. These positions are evil in nature and there is a sinister and underlying spiritual influence at work.

The apostle Paul helps us to understand the circumstances surrounding our nation. He writes in Ephesians 6: 12 that there is a much bigger issue going on than what we see with our eyes: “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” He further teaches us how to fight, with PRAYER being a spiritual weapon in the line of defense.

What do we pray for on behalf of this election and the state of our nation?
We pray for a return to the foundation of our forefathers, who decreed us to be one nation under God, where righteousness, truth, freedom, equality, peace, and love once again be the rock on which we stand. We pray for our leaders to guide our country back to these principles that birth our nation. We pray that God’s will be done, here on earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)


Often times voting can be hard. We do not like the candidates and sometimes it may feel like we are choosing the lesser of two evils. It may seem easier not to vote. In this election, however, it is imperative that we do. “Who?” you may ask. My response to you: Vote your conviction. You can do this by voting in favor of the platform that most aligns with your values and beliefs. Not sure what the platforms for the two opposing parties consists of? Then download a copy here! Do not let your emotions for or against one or the other’s personality drive your decision. Vote for the platform objectives that support your values and beliefs. And please, do vote.


With an increase in stress, isolation, loneliness, addiction, depression, anxiety, and fear, it is necessary for our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health that we know where we stand. What are the beliefs that you embrace that will carry you through the uncertainties ahead? How will you live your life regardless of the outcome? What is the truth that will guide your actions and decisions? For followers of Jesus Christ, we have our assurance for today as well as the end of days. Jesus did not mince words when he told us, “In the world you will have tribulation.” We can see that. But he also told us to take heart: “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world(John 16:33). Because Jesus has overcome, so can we. This gives us hope to stand on our faith and convictions.

With God’s help, we can navigate through the challenges ahead with the peace of Christ. After all, we know and look forward to what will transpire in the end. “Look!” Jesus says in the last book and chapter of the Bible. “I am coming soon!” What a wonderful day that will be!

Meanwhile, we can pray, we can vote, and we can stand. And when we have done everything we know to stand, we stand. (Eph 6:13-14)