Your daughter comes home from school in tears. “I’m tired of those kids picking on me!” You listen compassionately as she recounts the taunting and teasing from classmates who make fun of her for her weight. You feel helpless as you observe the emotional pain she is suffering. You don’t know what to do.

1. Boost Confidence
The last thing you want to do is make your child’s weight an issue. Putting her on a diet is not the answer. Diets don’t work for adults, and they certainly don’t work for our kids. What your son or daughter needs is some confidence boosters!

Negative comments by others are hurtful, especially to our children who are still learning about themselves. How can you help? Focus on the characteristics that stand out in your child. Is she kind to others? Praise her for that! Is he good at playing soccer? Let him know how impressed you are with his abilities! Does she show respect to adults? Tell her how proud you are about that!

Most often, we tend to focus on the things that bother us about our children, rather than make a positive fuss over the things we love and appreciate. We harp on the things we don’t like, but it doesn’t change behavior! In fact, it does just the opposite, deflating a fragile self-esteem and fueling a sense of inadequacy.

Children respond to positive feedback! When they are praised for something they do well, they feel good about themselves and are inclined to repeat the behavior. Your positive messages helps to develop self-esteem and build confidence! When a child feels good about herself, she is more inclined to make better choices that she knows are good for her, such as choosing an apple for a snack rather than a bag of chips.

2. Create the Scene for Success
While you may not have much control over what your child eats outside of the home, you most certainly can create an environment at home that supports a healthy lifestyle. Why purchase junk foods that are tempting and hard to resist? You can’t expect your child to choose a fruit cup when there are goldfish in the cabinet. Get rid of the foods that sabotage a healthy lifestyle. Instead, stock up on colorful fruits and vegetables. Find simple and healthier recipes online that you and your family can cook. Try substituting white flour products with whole grains. Use lean meats. Have nuts and cheese, or raw veggies and hummus available for quick snacks.

You have the power to influence your child’s food choices by changing the environment in your home. By changing the environment, you are creating a scene for success!

3. Be the Example
Kids are much more likely to respond to what they see you doing, rather than what they hear you saying. Why fuss at your child for eating large portions at meals, when you may be doing the same? Is it realistic to expect your child to eat any differently than how they see you eating? Do you want your child to be healthy? Than it is up to you to be healthy yourself. There is no easy way around it. You have to set the example first, and your child will follow suit.

Fighting childhood obesity is no easy feat. But you can make a big difference with your child with these suggested tips. Boost confidence, create an environment for success, and be the example. Be a parent who fights back!