Does the End Justify the Means?

The alarm rings earlier than usual this morning. 4:10 to be exact.  I am meeting a group of ladies to run the bridge with them. I rouse myself to the kitchen to steep some hot tea while I shower.  It seems silly to take a shower before you run. I need it to wake up. I’m not used to running before the crack of dawn.  Why so early I think to myself? How do they do it?

It’s quiet and dark on the road. I arrive at our 4:50 AM meet-up spot on time. We start our run together. The ladies are engaging and alert.  I ask: “What’s the benefit for you to get up so early to run?” The answers came quick and easy.  In addition to their acknowledgement of commitments to family and work, they respond:

  • “Early in the day, we own the road.”
  •  “We get it done.”
  •  “It’s empowering.”
  •  “I feel good the rest of the day.”

Before you know it, the 3-mile run was completed.  The ladies headed back to their cars, chatting together and making plans for their next scheduled run two days away. I get home before 6AM, and yes indeed, the day is before me. It feels good.

The mental strategies that these women embraced served to support them through weeks and months of training and distance runs in preparation for a half-marathon event. These strategies are as follow:

  • Know Your WHY.
  • Stay COMMITTED to finish what you started.
  • Be INTENTIONAL about crossing the finish line.
  • Stay TENACIOUS in your training efforts.
  • PERSEVERE to the end.

The ladies of the early morning running group reflected all of these strategies and it made my heart smile. Yes, I think to myself, the end DOES justify the means!